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Virtual keyboard for OS/2 Virtual keyboard for ArcaOS, OS/2, and eComStation offers a unique keyboard on your screen that you can use with a mouse or touchscreen. Ideal for kiosks, tablet PCs, industrial environments or other instances where a physical keyboard would be impractical or unusable. Features Simple design Adjust colors with a simple drag-n-drop interface Several layouts available Supports entry of foreign characters Choose small or large size keyboard System requirements ArcaOS 5, eComStation, or OS/2 eCo Software runtime WarpIn installer Installation Download VirtualKeyboard.wpi from os2.guru Click on the VirtualKeyboard.wpi file Follow the installation pages Select "Overwrite all" during copying of the files You will receive the license key by email from eCo Software usually within 72 hours after your payment is received. Notes * The Family Pack allows you to install and use one copy of the software on up to a maximum of five (5) ArcaOS, OS/2, and eComStation computers (in any combination) at a time as long as those computers are located in the same household and used by persons who occupy that household. By "household" we mean a person or persons who share the same housing unit such as a home, apartment, mobile home, or condominium, including students who are primary residents of that household but reside at a separate on-campus location. This license does not extend to business or commercial users. * Sponsor units do not entitle you to license keys, it is only to support the developer. * Discount Commercial licenses: 5-9 licenses : 12% discount 10-24 licenses : 24% discount 25-99 licenses : 36% discount 100-499 licenses: 52% discount homepage: http://os2.guru/vkeyb ------- logo https://de.ecomstation.ru/projects/vkeyb/pics/vkeyb_80px.png https://de.ecomstation.ru/projects/vkeyb/pics/Keyboard-Compact.png |
Thinkpad TwistНоутбук-планшет / Intel i5 / 500 Gb / 4 Gb / на 2 часа |
Мышь ThinkpadФирменная мышь для фанатов Thinkpad. Несколько вариантов: USB, беспроводная, несколько размеров.
Оранжевый внешний дискРезиновый бампер / 500 Gb / 750 Gb / USB 2.0 |