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Paul Smedley DVD
DVD-диск от Paul Smedley - готовая к использованию среда для разработчика (для тех, кто собирается портировать программы в eComStation)
Paul's GCC build environment on DVDPaul's Build Environment - CD/DVD version For some time, I've had a downloadable version of my build environment available for download. To try and reduce the download size, each time I've updated it, I've spent many hours trying to strip it down - as a result - the environment rarely gets updated, and in fact, the current version is nearly 2.5 years old. As a result, I've decided to make the environment available on a CD/DVD. This reduces the amount of work to update the environment, as I simply need to select the appropriate directories, and burn the disc. I also don't need to worry about keeping the size down, as I have up to 4.7gb to play with. For simplicity, the environment expects to be installed onto drive U: - the same as my installation - again this limits the amount of work on my part to update this package. Advanced users are free to tyr and move the environment onto another drive - but this will not be supported. [purchase button]
Thinkpad TwistНоутбук-планшет / Intel i5 / 500 Gb / 4 Gb / на 2 часа |
Пульт управленияПульт дистанционного управления. Для мультимедия центра, для презентаций
Оранжевый внешний дискРезиновый бампер / 500 Gb / 750 Gb / USB 2.0 |